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Feeling Stuck on the Client Treadmill? It's Time to Shift Your Practice Apr 30, 2024

Many therapists and psychologists pursue private practice for the promise of autonomy, flexibility, and meaningful work. Yet once up and running, many find themselves caught on the "one-to-one client treadmill," feeling exhausted, frustrated, and far from thriving.  



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Inspiring Sunday Stories: Michelle Minnikin - Unleashing the Power of 'Good Girl Deprogramming' inspiring sunday stories Dec 24, 2023

Meet Michelle Minnikin, a Chartered Occupational Psychologist, Coach, and Author. Michelle is on a mission to empower women, helping them positively transform their lives through coaching, courses, and her latest endeavour, the newly released book "Good Girl Deprogramming."

Champion of Unique...

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Inspiring Stories: Dr Romy Sherlock - Pioneering Multidisciplinary Approach to Overcoming Persistent Pain inspiring stories Dec 10, 2023

Meet Dr. Romy Sherlock, a clinical psychologist and the Co-director of Retraining Pain, an organisation dedicated to providing multidisciplinary pain rehabilitation to individuals across the UK who are grappling with persistent pain. Romy and her team are passionate advocates for a holistic...

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Inspiring Stories: Paula Gardner - Bridging Business and Psychology for Success inspiring stories Nov 26, 2023

Meet Paula Gardner, a business psychologist and psychotherapist with a unique approach that centres on addressing the challenges faced by business owners. Her expertise lies in helping individuals overcome overwhelm and visibility issues in the world of business. With a background in public...

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Navigating a Successful Pivot in Your Private Practice: A Guide for Psychologists & Therapists Nov 20, 2023

Have you ever felt the need to make a change in your psychology practice? Perhaps you've been searching for a way to align your work with a deeper sense of purpose, to attract the right clients, and ensure the sustainability and longevity of your practice. If so, then the concept of pivoting in...

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Navigating Private Practice Burnout as a Psychologist: Finding Connection Amidst Disillusionment and Exhaustion burnout overwhelm Nov 14, 2023

This month, we reach the conclusion of a year of working with Carol Sanford, social innovator and regenerative paradigm educator. 

It’s been an intense year of exploring regenerative themes and principles for psychology practices. The premise underpinning this work is:



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Inspiring Stories: Dr Tess Browne - Transforming Lives Through Psychology inspiring stories Nov 12, 2023

Dr. Tess Browne is a dedicated Clinical Psychologist, transforming lives and building resilience. Her work not only transforms individual lives but also empowers entire communities. Let's delve into her remarkable journey.

The Mind Atelier Limited: A Hub of Transformation

At The Mind Atelier...

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Building a Simple Marketing Strategy for Therapists and Psychologists marketing overwhelm Jun 13, 2023

Marketing can be a thorny issue for private practice owners. There is a vast amount of information available on marketing for mental health and private practices, but it can be challenging to navigate and implement.


However, marketing is core to what psychologists and therapists do, and it...

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A Regenerative Marketing Strategy for Psychologists and Therapists May 12, 2023

Maybe you've been wondering where the topsy-turvy world of social media and marketing is taking us, with its effects on clients, communities, and practitioners?

We have been wondering that too?

As psychologists, therapists and coaches, we want to build an authentic presence...

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Breaking Free from the Extractive Business Model: Embracing Regenerative Practices to Grow Your Private Practice. Feb 21, 2023

In today's fast-paced business world, it's common to treat individuals as mere machines and extract the maximum productivity out of each hour. Psychologists and therapists in private practice are not immune to this "extractive business model" that often leads to overwhelm and burnout.

In this...

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Optimise Your Performance: Set Goals & Make Them Happen Feb 08, 2023

As January is now behind us, new year resolutions are maybe fading out of our minds and sticking to our goals can get forgotten. Maybe we’re starting to feel more pressure to stick to goals. Or the thought of even setting goals can be overwhelming so we just avoid them. 

Whether we...

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What if niching wasn't a destination but a way of being in your practice? marketing niching Jan 12, 2023
The idea of "niching" your business is one that's been well-worn by marketers and consultants alike. It's often presented as an essential step in the process of growing a brand, and it has become such an ingrained part of the way we talk about marketing that we often don't even question it...
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