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Clarify Your Message Nov 11, 2022

One of the marketing phrases I love is: “If you confuse, you lose” – @donmilleris How we can strengthen our marketing in a very simple way?

This is a quote from one of my favourite marketers, a guy called Don Miller, and his whole *thing* in marketing is focused on clarifying...

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The Well Stocked Library Metaphor... Nov 01, 2022

See your psychology practice as a well stocked library

As psychologists we have a tendency to have an abundance of books anyway – we have a well-stocked library literally and figuratively.

Since we’re experts and because we see a lot of things that are relevant to our profession...

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Since time is a resource too, can you find new ways to realise the value in the work you've have already created? Oct 21, 2022

Building resources and growing areas of our practice. One of the most important things to do is to consider how it could be possible to serve people in your practice in new ways.

How have people’s needs changed through this disruption and are there new ways in which you can serve those...

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Strengthen by pooling your resources Oct 01, 2022

We need to nourish ourselves and our practices by applying an ‘abundant mindset’ – viewing life through a lens of abundance, of fullness, of possibility, and of trust in the goodness of life.

So this is all about Pooling Your Resources. Just like how Harvest Festival used to be...

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Your profit margin is where your sustainability come from Sep 21, 2022

Rationalising costs is about moving us behind the scenes in our practices into an area that’s at the heart of sustainability. We often think that getting new clients and keeping the sales and marketing side of a practice going is the key to it being sustainable, but sustainability of our...

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Speak FROM your client's reality, not ABOUT their reality Sep 01, 2022

What does this mean? As psychologists we try and explain the psychology of something, and we end up talking ABOUT the psychology of a situation which can across as a little detached.

Instead we need to put ourselves in our client’s shoes and speak FROM their reality. We need to bring a...

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True growth is neither nor uniform Aug 21, 2022

Two powerful quotes

If this time of uncertainty has taught us anything, it is that transformation in times of uncertainty, just like growth, is neither linear nor uniform.

I love seeing examples of transformation in nature. Rubi, our horse, is letting go of his winter coat and it is a perfect...

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Lessons from Nature: The Bud has to split for the flower to bloom Aug 01, 2022

Something I’ve experienced and that I see consistently as my TPPA clients grow their practices is that it leads to them outgrowing situations or relationships.

It would be great if I could say that there’s a way to do this easily and painlessly. 

Sometimes, I suppose growth can...

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Why Purpose is the Crucial Difference in Turbulent Times Jul 21, 2022

GYPP purpose

Why purpose makes the critical difference in private practice during uncertain times.

I am in my office with the radiator going, with a scarf on and two jumpers and I wanted to speak in this video article about purpose, because some days like this when things seem very dark, and...

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Creating Value in Private Psychology Practices Jul 01, 2022

Where do we need to speak more truth to power as psychologists in private practice? Here’s the thing about private practice as a #psychologist, especially in the area of mental health care and especially having come from the NHS. Practitioners can get to a place of feeling as though they...

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